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Nano Technology Center
- Discover Mansoura University
- Hits: 24563
In 2010, a partnership agreement was signed between Mansoura University and Nanotechnology Research Center in Cairo to establish and start working of a branch to center in Mansoura. Due to the enormous expectations about the applications of micro-techniques, a research institution as Mansoura University can never be absent from these areas: Micro-and Nanotechnology. The center adopts a policy of scientific research on the basis of the community needs and works on developing the abilities of researchers at the university in these areas and raising awareness regarding the applications in the community through holding seminars, conferences and workshops. The center’s researches revolves around the national scientific research priorities identified by the Higher Council for Science and Technology, such as medical applications, applications in the field of energy, applications in the field of water and environment, and industries with high added value. At the present time, there are negotiations between the Center and European institutions to manufacture experimental research models designed by researchers from Mansoura University.