The Fourth Annual Conference of Vascular Surgery Department – Mansoura University
- News Archive 2016
- Hits: 2870
Under the auspice of prof/ Mohamed Kenawy- president of Mansoura university and with the presence of prof/ Ashraf Sweilam – vice- president for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, and prof/ Ashraf Abd Albaset- vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs.
The fourth Annual Conference of Vascular Surgery Department in the period from 15 to 16 December 2016, opened at the faculty of medicine.
The conference includes 12 workshops on how to use the duplex in diagnoses and treatment peripheral vascular disease.
Prof/ Hesham Sharaf - Head of the Department, assured that the conference handles all the new at the field of cardiovascular diseases.
Prof/ Sweilam pointed out that the conference is a good opportunity for exchanging experiences among the Department of Vascular Surgery professors - Mansoura University, professors of Vascular Surgery of Egyptian and Arab universities, specialized medical centers, hospitals, health insurance, the Ministry of Health hospitals and the armed forces.