The President of Mansoura University Holds a Meeting for the Supreme Council of Hospitals to Discuss the Plan for Dealing with the Second Wave of COVID-19 Probabilities
Today on Tuesday 3/11/2020, a meeting for the Supreme Council of Hospitals and the specialized medical centers was held, headed by prof. Ashraf Abdel-Basset, the president of Mansoura University to discuss the plan for medical and precautionary methods of covid-19 pandemic control at the university's hospitals and medical centers, and the plan of dealing with the second wave of COVID-19 probabilities.
The attendees were prof. Mohamed Hegazy, the executive manager of the university's hospitals and medical centers, directors of hospitals and centers and heads of medical departments.
The president of the university stressed on the importance of following up and performing the university's plan to face the second wave of COVID-19 probabilities as one of the precautionary and preventive methods that the university takes to avoid covid-19 spread. This is for the safety of the students, the employees at the university and the university's hospitals as well as the safety of the medical team at the universities and the patients who enter the hospitals.