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Mansoura University's Council Discusses the Plan of the Precautionary Measures for the First Semester Exams

President of Mansoura University Dr. Ashraf Abdel Baset

Today, Mansoura University's Council was held under the patronage of Prof. Ashraf Abdel-Basset, President of the University. The precautionary measures for the first semester exams were discussed. Besides, the role of the Higher Committee of Supervising the Precautionary Measures at the University's Faculties was activated as well as the secondary committees at the faculties. Moreover, the study of the second semester for the academic year 2020/2021 will continue and will start next Saturday in 27th February amid the strict precautionary measures. These measures are the following:

·        Announcing for the precautionary measures via the website of the faculties as well as the schedule of the exams to guarantee its posting for the students via all means of social media.

·        A number of welcoming gates at the faculties should be opened to welcome the student in the morning day of the exam before the date of the examination committee to avoid the crowds. Further, the faculties should offer on these gates (thermometer, masks, hand sanitizers and antiseptics).

·        There is a mandatory path for the entrance of the students to the reach committees and another mandatory one for the students to exit from the examination place to reach outside of the faculty, this is to avoid gathering inside the faculty either before or after the exam.

·        There are sterilization gates inside and in front of all examination halls with thermometer for the students who enter these gates.

·        The administrative security members are assigned to control the mandatory paths of enters and exits.

·        The noticeable members and the workers should be noticed to wear the masks and gloves as well as their temperatures should be measured between different periods of the exam throughout the day in a different place inside the faculty and separate from the student.

·        Ensuring that only 50% of the capacity of students is inside the halls with fill commitments to control the safe distance between each student inside the examination halls.

·        Ensuring that all students and the noticeable committee are wearing the medical masks (extra masks are inside the examination committee place) with full commitment to wearing them during the examination period.

·        Sterilizing the examination halls between the periods of each exam.

·        Sterilizing the examination place between the periods of each exam. Besides, the examination place should be sterilized on the morning of the exam and after finishing the periods of examinations throughout the day.

·        Reducing the chance of handling between the noticeable committee and workers, and students, and the students should sign the attendance of the exam with his/her personal pen in order not to use used tools.

·        Caring for the cleanliness of the faculty with all its parts of the building as well as the examination halls and making sure that there is a good ventilation via windows or fans.

·        The students should be noticed to bring all his/her tools for the examination in order to avoid sharing it with his/her colleagues.

·        After the student finishes the exam and submits the answer sheet, the sheet should be collected by the noticeable committee with full commitment with wearing the protective masks. The committee should collect sheets in a special boxes which will be left aside for no less than 4 days before the beginning of checking them by a special committee to be submitted to control committee.

·        There is an adequate period between daily examination periods.

·        Ensuring that there is no more than one study group to take the exams in the same period. Students who are afraid of taking the exams due to the current circumstances of the Covid-19, he/she can submit an excuse for all the exams scheduled for the first semester before the start of the exams, and in this case the student is treated as students applying with acceptable excuses in accordance with Article 80 of the executive regulations of the Universities Organization Law. As for students who are confirmed to be infected with the new Corona virus, they must submit a medical report approved by the medical authority at the university, and in this case it is permissible to apologize for the examinations that coincide only with the period of infection of the student according to what is determined by the medical report, and he is allowed to enter all other exams.

·        Modifying the timetable map of for second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 due to COVID-19 Pandemic, in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities as well as the article (62) of the executive regulations of the universities organization law No. 49 of 1972.

The members of the Council approved the academic programs at the National Mansoura University. In addition to exempting the students with disabilities (Mobility impairment - the blind ones - the deaf and dumb of all groups - integration students) from literacy assignment which was approved by the University's Council in 20/11/2029 for the students of the following faculties ( Education – Education for Early Childhood - specific Education-Arts (regular section)). This is out of their special needs and the council agreed on selecting 5% of students with disabilities to be enrolled in and register at postgraduate level at the university's faculties after submitting the required documents

The members of University's Council agreed on exempting two of students with disabilities who are enrolled in premaster year at the faculty of Arts from paying the fees of improving the educational scholarship for the student of premaster year 2020/2021. The member of the Council approved on the bylaw of the scientific publishing awards and grants at the university after modifications. Besides, the members of the Council approved to promote 10 associate professors to be University professors, promoting 13 lecturers to be associate professors and appoint 17 assistant lecturers to be lecturers at the university.


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